北京时间4月16日上午9:00,应威尼斯083cc邀请,美国约翰卡罗尔大学Boler商学院Yinglu Wu(伍莹璐)副教授为威尼斯083cc师生带来题为“Herd Behavior in Reward-Based Crowdfunding at the Post-Goal Stage”的线上学术讲座。本次讲座由副院长吴锦峰教授主持,威尼斯083cc教师及研究生积极线上与线下参会。
讲座教授简介:Yinglu (Elle) Wu,PhD, is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Boler College of Business, John Carroll University, USA. Her research explores the dynamic landscape of consumer-firm interactions in the digital realm, such as insights of user-generated content, consumer engagement facilitated by technology, and implications of user behaviors on crowdfunding platforms. She has published in Journal of Interactive Marketing, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Macromarketing, and Journal of Teaching in International Business, and she currently serves as the Managing Editor of the Journal of Teaching in International Business.